

August 25, 2017

You’re probably wondering why I’m posting up UNIT 2 when we haven’t even started Unit 1. Here’s the deal, in order for this to work you’ll need an adequate heads up on what’s coming. I want to keep prep minimal (printable, using household items, etc) but one BIG thing you need time for Is books. I really, really, really encourage you to borrow the books we use from your local library. I don’t want y’all stressed thinking you can’t participate because you didn’t get books in time. Hopefully by getting the list two weeks in advanced you can get those books on hold and have them at your house in time to start. 

Here’s another thing about the books- one main idea behind our preschool play is exposure to LOTS of books. If for some reason the books I list aren’t available at your library don’t feel stuck! The lessons and activities are versatile enough that you can use any book in the wide range of our theme and it will suit just fine. Mamas have enough to stress about- don’t let this unravel you. 🙂 

This unit is also a little different because there’s a small fee associated with it. My heart in creating preschool play and learn activities is to be helpful.  You are your little’s first love and first teacher- soak that up and enjoy it. I’ll plan and supply most of the materials that way you and your little can enjoy, grow, and learn together. To cover simple costs of creating the curriculum I added a charge. Each unit from now until May will be $5 during the month it’s being taught. The $5 is a one time charge and you are free to print and use as much of the document as you please. This unit includes 22 full color pages, 13 printables, easy to read directions for 8 days of activities, organized planning to make your preschool playing and learning smooth and stress free and lots more!  🙂  [Daycares and preschool programs please contact me for additional licenses for classroom use.] Once a unit is archived it’ll be $10 but it will also include all write ups and extras from the blog. 

If you have questions or ever need support please always feel free to contact me at hello@alittlelearner.com or through the contact page. 🙂 

with love,


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