I really love adding in fiction picture books together with our non-fiction research books for each of our mini units. We found a handful of really sweet, imaginative and FUN bat picture books and just had to share them with you! We borrowed all of them from our local library.

Good Night, Bat! Good Morning, Squirrel!
the hardcover is less than $7 right now

As much as we LOVE picture books, I absolutely couldn't over look our two favorite non-fiction books for this study too!
(The board book is less than $7 right now)
These are a handful of the ones we read and really liked during our Bat study! We use the Learn + Explore: Bats mini unit and it was just the perfect tool to spark a further study with books and YouTube videos!

You can find that full unit here:
I hope this has been helpful! Have another favorite you'd suggest adding to this list? Sharing is caring! Comment or send me an email (hello@everydaylearnandplay.com) with your suggestion and I'll happily add it!
with JOY,