Check out Frequently Asked Questions below. If you still need help please contact us at hello@everydaylearnandplay.com


What ages are your activities for?

I began writing materials for my oldest when she was a toddler/almost preschooler. At that point it was all play. We learned the very, very basics through play. We explored concepts like shapes, colors, letters through sensory play, hands on activities, simple cooking we could do together. From there it has grown and grown to now where I'm writing materials for my crew as they start to enter upper elementary. There's something for everyone!

How do I know if the Learn + PLAY Club is right for our family?

If you want affordable resources while on a budget, but want them to be engaging, intentionally created, and meaningful. If you want the ability to conveniently print exactly what you need, when you need it. If JOYFUL and creative homeschooling is your thing and if you love making happy homeschooling memories with your family around books, crafts, hands on activities and more! If you're homeschooling preschool through elementary aged kids the Learn + PLAY Club is perfect for you!

Can I make a request for something?

One of my favorite parts of being a writer is hearing from you and getting your feedback! I love writing- I've been doing it since I was a little girl and this is my literal dream come true! If there is something specific you're looking for or if you want to review a particular skill, you are always welcome to connect. It would be a delight to create for you!

Learn + PLAY Club

What is the Learn + PLAY Club?

The Learn + PLAY Club is my way cheering on your homeschool journey! Over the years I've written A LOT of activities. I know I'm biased, but I think they're a lot of fun and a great way to introduce, review, or practice concepts with your cute crew! By joining the club you get immediate access to every single activity - no extra fees. You can download and try all kinds of fun activities and what's great is that the collection is still growing! More materials are added every month! All your downloads are conveniently saved with your account for easy access and organization. It is my heart to bless families with that little extra spark of creativity and fun!

Do I really get access to everything?

Yes, you really do! I genuinely want my resources to bless your family!  Each month you get access to every single resource in my collection and can download up to 30 resources per month.

How much does it cost? And will it change?

The Learn + PLAY Club currently only costs $17/month however, that price will increase in the Fall of 2024. It’s a huge value considering the hundreds of dollars worth of resources available with your membership. The price will increase to $19 but all current members will be "grandfathered" in at $17. That charge will not change for them.

When do I get access to materials in the Learn + PLAY Club?

Learn + PLAY Club members get access to my full library of resources immediately. Just create a log in and all your downloads will be saved to your account. 

I'm ready to join! Where can I find the Club?!

Hooray! I know you're going to LOVE having access to it all! Click here to find the Club and JOIN!


What is the cancellation policy?

There are no contracts or strings attached with the Learn + PLAY Club. My family understands there are times and seasons when we need to pull in a little tighter and then other seasons when we have a little extra. I wanted to make sure the Club never put a strain on families. You can join any time and you can cancel any time.

This is truly an honor system allowing club members to get immediate access to so much so quickly. Most people stick around because the new releases each month are just the thing to add a little spark to your homeschool days. The resources are so much fun and so inspiring!

Can I exchange my order for a different resource?

Due to the digital and consumable nature of these resources, I am unable to offer exchanges on your purchases.