A spring time collection of books, activities, and adorable crafts!

Picture Book Parade is a curated collection of seasonal books with accompanying mini lessons in language arts and fun crafts. Each guide includes 4 different, well loved picture books.

Mini lessons are in written to be easily taught and reinforced. Additional activity pages reinforce mini lessons but are not required. The activities take the mini lesson one step further to reinforce the concept.

Additionally there are four craft ideas to make the picture book come alive through creativity and artsy fun! The crafts don’t require extensive materials nor skills. They’re intended to be a fun way to make memories together around a favorite story!

How cute is this little bird?! These are such EASY bookmarks to make, they’d be a great Easter basket gift or present to friends!

The crafts are each very simple and easy on supplies. Materials needed for this collection of crafts are: coffee filters, watercolors, white crayon, felt and a paperclip. Beyond that all you’ll need to add is just the templates you can print from the file!

This picture book parade explores four books- Spring for Sophie by Yael Werber, Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney, The Easter Egg by Jan Brett, and And Then It’s Spring by Julie Fogliano.

Carla Snipes
Carla is a teacher turned SAHM adventuring into homeschool preschool and beyond. Seeing evidence of God's grace each day and inspiring mamas with learn + PLAY fun at home.