We are wrapping up our first quarter next Friday and I'm in reflection mode. We got a good start with a slow August but September has been…different. I'm finding that now I need to protect a little extra margin with our Fall activities and commitments.

Homeschooling more than the academics we do each day. Homeschooling includes all the LIFE we live together each day. When we have a late night or a long day out of the house those things have to be taken into consideration with our instruction.
While this isn't the case in a traditional learning setting- one of the perks of homeschooling is that we can accommodate when our families need margin. We have made excellent progress in our studies but the pace we have been going will not be sustainable for the full year.

Starting this week I'm implementing some changes. We will intentionally move more slowly through our curriculum because I am building in a day of review. It will be a day to review our core subjects and then do something simply because we enjoy it. Some weeks it will be an art project, some weeks it will be an enrichment study, or maybe a baking project- something along those lines.
A big reason we homeschool is to ENJOY our days together.
When they are not enjoyable it's time to pause, reflect on what's up, and possibly reevaluate some of our rhythms.
Our school year is not a race, it's not a sprint, we are in it for the full marathon. I immediately think of Galations 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” We remember that our days belong to the Lord and it's really only in His strength that we (and our children) will find success.
Practically speaking, here is what we are doing this week:
This full week will be a review week for spelling. We'll do spelling games, activities, and make it multi sensory as much as possible. We'll review the spelling patterns we've learned so far this year and firm up on them playfully with games and activities.

We're pausing our writing curriculum, we'll definitely come back to it, but for the next week or so we'll focus on creative writing in our journals. I'm using writing prompts to spark ideas on days ideas aren't flowing freely or they need a little boost. We'll use the new writing workshop pages for ideas too.

We'll do math review games like math mini boxes. I plan to keep math lessons gentle but consistent.
I really don't plan to change our reading much at all. It's a strong core subject we need to stay on top of. If everything else is going at a more gentle pace it will create capacity to lean into reading without it becoming a problem.
I also scaled our science and history back to just two days a week (for each.) On Fridays we drop both and enjoy a shorter day.

Beyond academics, we are spending as much time as possible outside. Getting in good whole body movement- going for walks, riding bikes, jumping on the trampoline, etc. This time of year the weather is absolutely beautiful! I read a lot this summer about the correlation between physical activity and mental health. We know this as it relates to mood and regulation but it's actually incredibly helpful for focus and retention of ideas/concepts learned too. I am certain this will help my crew and while it's so nice out, we will be soaking up lots of good sunshine and fresh air. In fact, we'll probably do a good bit of our lessons out on the back porch!
All this to say, when you're coming up on that first quarter mark remember you're not locked in. You can pause on lessons as they are, make adjustments, take a lighter week, and come back. You may find that a new rhythm is what you need because the way you started isn't sustainable. That's super ok (and very normal.) Most of us planning and dreaming in the Summer are very different people from who we are 9 weeks into a school year. Reality hits and we make adjustments- because we CAN! How great is that?!
Have questions about your homeschool or need a friend to bounce ideas? I'd love to connect with you. Homeschooling is one of my favorite things but it's definitely not easy. We all need a cheerleader now and then, send me and email and let's connect!
with love,